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Pregmate 100 Ovulation & 20 Pregnancy Test Strips

Pregmate 100 Ovulation & 20 Pregnancy Test Strips

Regular price $69.99 CAD
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About Pregmate Ovulation Tests

When to begin testing? The length of the menstrual cycle is the duration from your first menstrual bleeding day to the day before the next bleeding begins. Determine the length of menstrual cycle before test. Please refer to the chart included in the package to determine when you should start testing. If your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 38 days, consult a physician. If you do not know your cycle length, you may begin the test 11 days after your first period since the average cycle length is 28 days.

Test procedure
  • Immerse the strip into the urine.
  • Take the strip out after 3 seconds.
  • Lay the strip flat.
  • Read results in 5 minutes.

Reading the results

Positive (LH Surge): If two lines are visible and the test line is equal to or darker than the control line.
Negative (No LH Surge): No test line or the test line is lighter than the control line.

  • Accurate and reliable ovulation and pregnancy tests
  • Determine your most fertile days
  • Sensitivity level: 25 miu/ml
  • Confirm pregnancy early and quickly
  • Over 99% accurate at detecting your LH surge
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